
5 Tips for Resisting the “Laziness Lie”

Laziness does not lie is a book by Devon Price that teaches you a lot about laziness lie. Sometimes you think you are being lazy, but actually, it’s your body’s way of telling you that you need a break. It’s not easy to be a part of this modern world where everyone is trying to overwork without sitting back, relaxing, and investing time in the community.

You can learn a lot from the 5 Tips for Resisting the “Laziness Life.”

Read on for more information.

#1. Understanding The Laziness Lie

Understanding the laziness lie is important as it can help you see life from a different perspective. The laziness lie is basically the demand of the culture and society from you that’s not spoken in words, but you know it’s there. You are expected to work harder and be productive even when you are doing enough. Think about it, do you ever feel that what you are doing is enough! It’s possible that you don’t have to work for the extra shifts or find a second job. It’s possible that you are doing more than needed just because you don’t want to sound lazy.

#2. Don’t Feel Like A Failure

In the book laziness does not lie, David talks about his interview with the busiest and most stressed-out people. It appears that people find it hard to accept the idea that what they are doing is enough. Even the busy people would feel like a failure and would call themselves lazy. You might work too hard but might still end up feeling like a failure. Don’t buy the lie of laziness anymore and start giving yourself a break. Try and see what changes it can bring. No matter what, just don’t feel like a failure. Always have a positive mindset about yourself especially when you are labeling yourself lazy.

#3. You Think You Are Wasting Your Time

Time for you is a precious commodity. You won’t trade it for anything, but when you spend hours surfing on social media, you would feel you have wasted your time, but according to the book you are trying to recharge yourself and that’s not wasting time. You are allocating your time. Think about your typical day and see how many hours you are actually working. Find out what you are doing during the entire day. Based on your findings, you would know if you actually waste your time or if it’s a way to take a break from different tasks during the day.

#4. Embrace Your Emotions

If you don’t feel like doing anything you can say no without feeling guilty of being lazy. You might be making work an excuse for not doing a certain task or for not doing the work the way you should. It’s possible that a close family member can be too demanding and it would be hard to say no to certain tasks that you are not interested in doing. You might make yourself super busy with work and thus, would have an excuse to say no because of work. Understanding and embracing your emotions is thus important.

#5. Feeling You Are Doing Okay Can Be Enough

You would always be doing something and the idea of sitting idle might haunt you. If you feel overwhelmed with the idea then it’s okay. Sometimes you are doing enough and that’s okay. You can give back to the community and support others. You don’t have to be a part of the rat race where everyone is just busy wanting to achieve something better in life, but actually exhausting yourself in the process. Plus, labeling yourself as lazy when you decide to take a break from the hustle and bustle of life.

Wrapping It Up

You are not lazy! It’s okay to give some time to yourself especially if you have been working so hard for so long. You are not a part of a race where winning demands constant hard work. Hard work is good, but you don’t have to burn yourself for it. You might think you are lazy, but actually, you would be overstressed and overtired from work and it would be your way to relax.